Air Cadet Foundation of British Columbia
Building for the future - Growing the Canadian dream
Who we are
While speaking with former cadets and the parents of former cadets we very often hear stories about the lasting impact and benefits of the training cadets receive while participating in the Air Cadet Program. Stories of how shy and timid kids evolve to be confident leaders, eloquent speakers, great parents and partners.
In 2006, it was stories like these that motivated the founding members to form the Air Cadet Foundation of BC. Today the current members give back to the program through volunteering their time to ensure that the Air Cadet program remains sustainable in BC.
There are several easy and quick ways that you/we can give back to the program that will provide both immediate and lasting impacts. It is our goal and mission to ensure that this premier youth development program remains accessible to every young person in BC. You can also have the satisfaction of knowing that you played a part in achieving this.
By simply clicking on the “Donate today” tab above, you can then choose the best option from the options offered to suit your current circumstances. Your choice can be changed at any time as circumstances change.
While you are here; please do not leave without checking our Featured Squadron of the month and the former Air Cadet Testimonials.

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