Featured Squadron of the Month

513 Hornet RCACS Crest

513 Hornet Squadron

Chartered: November 10, 1949
Status: Active
Community: New Westminster, BC

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Squadron History:

The Squadron name ”513 Hornet Squadron”, was adopted from two predecessor Squadrons.

The original ’Hornet’ Squadron was formed in 1942. It flew Spitfires, served in Europe from April 1944 to March 1946 and took part in the D Day invasion in 1944. The squadron was disbanded in 1946. In 1951 the City of New Westminster Squadron (Vancouver) of the Air Force Auxiliary was formed and it also used the name Hornet Squadron. The auxiliary squadron flew the North American P-51 Mustang, Harvard and Expeditor out of RCAF Sea Island. This squadron again disbanded on 31 March 1964.

513 Squadron adopted its name ‘HORNET’ from the New Westminster Air Force Auxiliary Squadron. Today, the squadron is officially known as 513 Hornet Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets.

After receiving its Charter to operate as an Air Cadet Squadron on November 10, 1949 a small group of New Westminster teenage boys under the leadership of CO Allan Jack a local Bank Manager, jammed into a small room in the New Westminster School Board offices to begin their adventure as Air Cadets. Allan Jack led the squadron through its paces for the first three years. Over the next eighteen years, command of the squadron was held by S/L Sid Birchfield in 1952. S/L Ted Hatherton in 1959. Sandy MacDonald in 1963, Stan Smith in 1967 and “Rusty” Hooper in 1971.

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The Squadron had several training locations since its inception. For the first 7 years they paraded at the New Westminster School Board offices. Later, they paraded in the basement of City Hall before moving to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 2 auditorium. Their next move was to the Arenex in Queen’s Park. For many years, classrooms and offices for the squadron were located both upstairs and downstairs in the Arenex. The Squadron then moved to the WS Hopper building in 1975.

Permission from the Parks Board to build the WS Hooper building within Queen’s Park was obtained through the many efforts of Major “Rusty” Hopper (CO) and Mr. Budd Kurtz (former chairman of the Parent Sponsoring Committee). It was through these two gentlemen’s perseverance that Branch #2 of the Royal Canadian Legion agreed to finance a major portion of the construction.
The Cadet building was named after Major W.S. (Rusty) Hopper who was the Squadron’s Commanding Officer from 1971 to 1977. The building was constructed primarily by the parents, officers and Cadets of the Squadron – only the outer shell of the building was contracted out.

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On December 8 1976, after twenty-one years of parading, 513 Hornet Squadron received a generous donation from the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch #2 of the Royal Canadian Legion. This donation allowed the squadron to purchase its first Squadron Banner. The Banner was presented to the squadron by Mrs. Bea Shultz of the Woman’s Auxiliary at a ceremonial parade held at the squadron thus fulfilling a dream of Major Hooper to see the squadron have its own banner before he retired.

From 1977 to present the Squadron was fortunate to have a number of amazing and dedicated COs, Staff, Squadron Commanders and SSC members.

On November 10 2024 the squadron marked its 75th Anniversary of actively supporting the city of New Westminster, BC.

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For almost it’s entire existence, the 513 Hornet RCACS Squadron of New Westminster BC was fortunate to have the corporate support of Branch #2 of the Royal Canadian Legion.

Many Cadet parents ask how can they help with the Squadron. The best way is to join the 513 Hornet Squadron Sponsoring Committee, which is your direct link to information about Squadron activities and how you can participate.

Parents can get additional information about how they can get involved by talking with a member of the Executive Committee and by visiting the National Cadet website parents’ section. Parents can also visit the Air Cadet League of British Columbia and the Air Cadet League of Canada to find out more about the role these groups have in supporting Cadets.

Becoming a member of the Sponsoring Committee:

The Sponsoring Committee (SSC) is comprised of parents of Cadets and is the primary sponsoring group for the Squadron. Any parent can become a member of the committee by submitting an application form and being approved by the Directors. The SSC recommends that all parents become members of the Committee.

Each member has one vote. The members elect the Board of Directors once a year. The Board of Directors choose the Executive Officers by electing a chairperson. The Chairperson will appoint the Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. When a director resigns, the balance of the Board of Directors will appoint a new temporary Director to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Election is held.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the Sponsoring Committee Executive Members. For more information about 513 Hornet RCACS please visit their website at: https://513aircadets.ca

Note: The above record of the 513 Hornet RCACS History was assembled from information gathered from the 513 Hornet Squadron Website and news clippings on the site. This information has not been verified through ACLC or DND records.

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