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Were you an Air Cadet in BC? Did the training you received during your time as an Air Cadet have an impact on your chosen career after you aged out of the program? We would love to hear from you! Send us a short (two paragraph maximum) testimonial describing the impact that the training you […]

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Hon. Steven Point

“My time as a Cadet taught me the importance of appearance in uniform. I came from a poor family on an Indian Reserve near Chilliwack and the uniform made all of us the same. Growing up in a small town can be difficult, especially when it comes to friends who want you to do things

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Chris Hadfield

“I dreamed of spaceflight. Watching the first humans leave our Earth to walk on another planet was a young boy’s dream, ignited. I clearly knew what I wanted to do, but had no idea how to get myself there. So I did some research. When I looked at what space explorers knew, I saw that

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Lt.-Col. Maryse Carmichael

“Being part of the Air Cadets as a teenager provided me an excellent foundation for my career in aviation and with the Canadian Forces. I had the chance to be initiated in flying and learn about leadership, discipline and aviation. Taking part in the various activities gave me the opportunity to develop skills and personality

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George Canyon

“My air cadet experience is one I value and have treasured throughout my life. Not only did it teach me discipline, but I learned valuable leadership qualities that I have applied, and continue to apply in my life.” Canadian country music heavyweight George Canyon is well-known in the cadet world. In 2008 he was named

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Nazanin Afshin-Jam MacKay

“My time as an Air Cadet opened my eyes to significant life lessons, including: discipline, problem solving, being precise and on time, being sharp in mind and in appearance, loyalty and teamwork. I became a human rights activist to help those most vulnerable in the world. Cadets shaped me into a very appreciative and patriotic

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